Jim Moore, C.Ped., has been elected president of the Pedorthic Foundation, the nation's premiere 501(c)(3) charity that supports education, research and honors programs for individuals and companies engaged in pedorthics – the design, manufacture, modification and fit of footwear and related devices to alleviate ambulation problems caused along the skeletal chain by disease, injury, congenital condition, overuse or aging.
Moore, who is also founder and chief executive officer of The PSNE Group, has been a member of the Foundation's Board of Directors since 2008. He has served the Foundation as secretary-treasurer, and as a member of its Long-Term Strategic Planning Committee, which determines and revises the charitable group's long-range goals and undertakes activities appropriate to achieving them.
Moore is a Board-certified pedorthist who has spent more than 35 years in the industry. Previously, he served as a member of the Board of Directors of both the Pedorthic Footcare Association, and The Board for Certification in Pedorthics, which merged in 2007 with ABC to become the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics.
Moore is a Member of the National Shoe Retailers Association, United Shoe Retailers Association and Pedorthic Footcare Association. Moore is a supporter of the Two Ten Footwear Foundation. He is also serving his third term as a Corporator of the Norwich Free Academy in Norwich Connecticut.
“It's an honor to be elected president by my fellow Board members, and I look forward to working with them in building awareness of the many things pedorthics can do to alleviate mobility problems,” Moore said in accepting the presidency. “Since the Foundation was established in 1975, many excellent practitioners have served on its Board, and I am proud to have the privilege of following in their footsteps. One of the Foundation's main goals is to re-invigorate pedorthic research, which we have begun to address. We are also working, through Feet for Life, in partnership with several vendors to provide footwear to persons in need who have diabetes related foot problems. Feet for Life was started in 2010 because of a generous donation from Aetrix Worldwide.